Canna-Pet for Pets
Harmony Animal Hospital has carried Canne-Pet since June 2016 and has had great success with this over the counter, safe product. Below is some information about Canna-Pet and its benefits. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to call, email or text us.
Canna-Pet® Quick Facts
Canna-Pet is…
- An organic, whole-plant product, developed from the ground-up specifically for pets
- Perfectly safe to use alongside any medications, supplements, or with any special diets
- Cannabinoid nutrition that is Non-GMO, vegan, free of animal products, free of preservatives
- Offering fast acting liquids and capsules suitable for any animal and treats for dogs
- The first of its kind
What makes Canna-Pet Different?
- Veterinarian recommended and covered by major pet insurers
- Offers a 30 day money back satisfaction guarantee
- Unique abundance of phytochemicals, with over two dozen cannabinoids and terpenes beyond just CBD
- Studied by major universities and major veterinary journals
- Much higher bioavailability than other CBD products
- 10-15X the absorption
- 15X the effective CBD reaching the pets ECS
Canna-Pet’s cannabinoid (CBD) nutrition is made with Industrial Hemp
Canna-Pet products are:
- Non-psychoactive
- Are not medical marijuana
- Made with organic and non-gmo hemp
- Legal without a prescription
- Formulated in USA phytochemistry laboratories
Who can use Canna-Pet products?
- Dogs
- Cats
- Horses
- Other
What do customers use Canna-Pet for?
- Anxiety due to noise phobia (example: fireworks), separation anxiety, etc.
- Arthritis
- Allergies
- Cancer
- Digestive Issues
- Seizures
- Inflammation
- Joint & Mobility Issues
- Pain
- Homeostasis
- And more!